Dirt Rag Demographics and Circulation


  • Rate Base: 30,000
  • Subscriptions: 17,300
  • Newsstand: 10,000
  • Promotional/Events: 2,700
  • Pass along rate: 2.1
  • Top retailers: Barnes & Nobles, Books-a-Million, and King Soopers



  • 18-35 - 27.4%
  • 36-45 - 40.2%
  • 46-65 - 29.5%


  • Men: 94%
  • Women: 6%


  • 62% have an annual income of more than $60,000.


  • 67% have a college degree.
  • 21% have a post graduate degree or higher.


  • Cross country: 76.3%
  • Trail riding: 76.3%
  • Recreational road riding: 46.9%
  • Downhill or park riding: 15.8%
  • Off-road touring/bikepacking: 22.5%
  • All-mountain or extreme trails : 48.5%
  • Commuting to and from work or school: 38.9%
  • Utility riding (shopping, transportation, etc.): 29.6%


  • 60% ride at least three times per week.
  • 95% rate themselves as intermediate riders or above.
  • 37% are IMBA members.
  • 48% are members of local trail clubs or advocacy organizations.


  • 29% subscribed for more than three years.
  • 66% pass along their copy of Dirt Rag.
  • 76% keep their back issues of Dirt Rag.

Buying habits

  • 93% read the advertisements in Dirt Rag.
  • 69% made a purchase because of advertising in Dirt Rag.
  • 92% use Dirt Rag as a guide for purchase decisions.
  • 63% will take a cycling related trip this year.
  • 87% will spend more than $500 on cycling this year.
  • 78% own four or more bikes.

Where they spend

  • 94% local bike shop
  • 68% online
  • 25% national retailer

Where they live

  • 33% West
  • 18% Midwest
  • 23% South
  • 21% Northeast